Looking back through childhood and the life that I have lived, a majority of my greatest moments involve one man who has been a constant, a father figure, a supporter, someone who loved me unconditionally, and treated me with the greatest respect……my grandfather. He has always been the toughest/strongest man I know, both emotionally and physically. He has always been the one to help anyone that needed it….whether friend, family, or total stranger. He would literally give the shirt off his back or his last dime if someone needed it.
Grandpa has always been the man that was looked up to in our family. Sure he had his faults, but who doesn’t? He was/is a devout Catholic man. He loved my grandmother unconditionally. He has always loved every family member no matter what done or become.
Thinking back, I have no idea how different my life could have been had grandpa not decided that we were moving to Texas in 1982. He introduced us to the wonderful lives we have now. He made us strong and taught us the value of friends and family, the support that we have to give each other to survive this harsh world.
My life has always involved this man and it breaks my heart like no other to see him possibly hurting or hiding things or just wanting to “go to our Heavenly Father”. My heart is saddened. My heart is heavy. My heart is hurting.