Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Medical update - May 21, 2014

It's easier to post my health updates here and then share the link then to post the update 20 different places.

So here we go....

Went to the Endocronolgist today.

I am still hyper thyroid and my heart rate was high AGAIN.
So we are increasing my dosage on the anti-thyroid pills (much more increasing and she may want to just remove the thyroid; she told me to start considering surgery) and we doubled the dosage on my beta blockers to get my heart rate to a more normal rate.

After that, I went to my GI.

My Crohn's is very aggressive and I have ulcers on my surgery site.....SO, I get to go back on my fun (not!) chemo pills, 6-MP (aka Mercaptopurine). I will start out at a slow dosage and work my way up to where I need to be. I have taken these before and I get extremely nauseous with them. so we start slow this time.

Here is a link on the 6-MP for this interested:

After 3 months (and another set of scopes) if things aren't better, I will pair the 6-MP with a biologic drug such as Cimzia or Remicade. Cimzia is injections that I would do myself. Remicade is an infusion done at the hospital via IV.

So keep me in your prayers! Hope everyone is doing well.

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