Sunday, September 30, 2012

10 Things you probably don't know about me and living with Crohn's disease

I thought I would make a list of things that most people don't know about me and my Crohn's disease.

1. I have a low grade fever about 5 out of 7 days of the week. Normally it starts in the late afternoon, early evening. My eyes will start burning and my energy is instantly gone.

2. I am achy most days as well. You know how your body aches when you are feverish? yeah, that's what I feel a lot.

3. I inject myself with Humira every other Sunday morning. For that whole day, I just mainly sleep as it is impossible to keep my eyes open.

4. I miss having a social life, but I don't miss those people that were just my party friends. Turns out, I don't hear from them at all now that I don't party.

5. I take 28 pills a day. That is 28 between my prescriptions and supplements.

6. My potassium sometimes gets so low that I get intense cramps in my legs and feet, that I have to try to walk off. most of the time this happens in the middle of the night and results in crying. Every time I go to the ER, my potassium is so low, they make me take a giant horse pill *barf*

7. I don't sleep at night, which means during the week, I get hardly any sleep. On average during the week, I sleep about 2-4 hours a night....and that is after taking sleep aids. I take many naps during the day on the weekend.

8. Due to my steroids (Prednisone), and the increasing/decreasing required to find a good dosage for me, I have gained 21 pounds in 2 months. NOT COOL!

9. I now know more about my body, more about side effects of meds, more about Crohn's than I really ever realized I could know.

10. At the age of 34, I feel most days like I have been hit by a truck, but I keep moving along. I have some really bad days and some really good days though.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tell me about YOU!

I borrowed this from Heather, who I think also borrowed. I thought I what a cute way to learn more about my readers.

This is quick and fun...for me to read. Here's what you do, leave me a comment and let me know the following!!

1. Who are you?

2. Do you blog, too? Leave me your link! I want to follow you! (if I don't already)

3. Do you remember how you found my blog? A link-up? Another blog?

4. How long have you been reading?

5. What keeps you coming back to my blog?

6. What would you like to see me blog about more?

7. What is something we have in common?

8. Tell me a fun fact about yourself!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Glade Expressions

I received some awesome coupons in the mail through

Saturday, September 22, 2012


It's been a while since I have had a post.

What's going on in our world?

I am back on the Humira shots and *crosses fingers* so far, I am doing well. I go to my GI this week and hopefully he will start weening me off of the Prednisone. I still have some days where I feel like absolute poo, but overall, I am doing well. I have had some sickness since I gave the ole immune system the boot again. I had a sinus infection and a stomach flu within a week of each other. YUCK!!!!

Other news? hmm.

I got a promotion at work. WOOHOO!!! I am the lead over my department now. I have taken on more responsibility and I am busy ALL day. Which I prefer. Makes the days go by faster.

Other than that, nothing really new with us. Declin is turning 5 this week. I can't believe it!!!!

Well, there is my update. Hope everyone is doing well!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

My husband

Monday, September 3rd, will be 9 months since I married the love of my life.

I would like to share some of the things about Ben that don't often get talked about.

Ben is the most loving person I have ever met. He loves unconditionally.

He loves me like no other person can. He has proved that he is there through sickness and health. He is one of my biggest supporters with my fight against this disease.

He is always willing to help anyone, even if its something he really doesn't want to do.

He is the kind, loving, sensative, strong, Godly Prince that I have waited for.

I can't imagine my life without him by my side. I can't wait for many more days, months, and years with him.

I love you with all of my heart, Ben!!!