Thursday, July 16, 2009

Today's updates on Grandpa

from Amber at 9:00am

Well, I spent all of yesterday afternoon and evening with Grandpa. His withdraws (from nicotine and alcohol) were pretty bad yesterday, but they gave him something last night to help with that and he seemed OK. I will call him shortly to check on him this morning. I know that Mom has talked to both him and the nurses this morning, so she will give a quick update when she can.

Please feel free to call him. 817-960-3218. It makes him happy to have someone to talk to and to know that everyone is thinking/praying for him.
Keep Praying!!!!

From Rhonda (mom) at 9:50am

I talked to Dad this morning. He had a kinda rough night, with pain in the tumor site, and with an IV issue. The nurses were able to knock the pain down with pain meds, and then they had to move his IV from the left to the right arm. He said he is more comfortable now. The nurses were all busy every time that I called, so I am gonna just wait and talk to them when I get to the hospital about 1 this afternoon. He so totally enjoys the visits and calls, please keep them coming! xox Rhon

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