Monday, February 1, 2010

Feb 2nd

Most know it as Ground Hog Day, I know it as my Grandpa's birthday.

Some days it seems like only days since Grandpa passed and other days it seems like it was a long time ago. Truth is, its been 5 months now. I miss him every day and think about him all the time.

So, in honor of my Grandpa, Happy Birthday Grandpa! I love you and miss you. Hope you and Grandma are celebrating your birthday and your upcoming wedding anniversary together.

1 comment:

JD said...

Amber, I'm sorry about your loss, I can tell from your words that he meant a lot to you. It's never easy to lose someone, no matter how long they've lived.

I know what you mean about the passage of time, how it seems to have been at a standstill, even though at the same time, it seems to have been an infinite amount of time.

Thinking of you...