Wednesday, January 5, 2011


We are down to less than 2 weeks until our big move. I am so not prepared for this and a bit nervous. (eek!)

So far, I have signed the required docs for the apartments, sent them my pay stubs, sent them the new account numbers for electric and gas, and also set up for Renter's insurance and the change of address for my car insurance.

Speaking of insurance, my car insurance is going up $35 a month due to our move. I am not happy about that. I am very tired of paying over $150/month for full coverage insurance. Hopefully soon, the nightmare (DWI) will fall off my record and my rate will drop some.

I think the worst part of moving has to be the packing. I honestly haven't started yet. Not only do we have to pack one place, but we have two. EEK! This weekend, I will be doing some MAJOR packing. Anyone want to help?

I need to go get boxes as well. Not fun.

Also, I have to start cleaning the old apartment so I don't have to go back much or at all once the move is made on the 15th.

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