After a 3 day stay, I am being discharged from the hospital.
My kidney and liver levels have moved to the normal range. WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO! Praise the Lord!
As of right now, my hemoglobin and platelets are still low, but not critical low.
The discharge hospitalist just came in and told me that I am not to do anything that could cause potential bruising. (Guess I will buy a bubble to live in. lol.)
He did make sure to include that I am not to do any contact sports. Um, yeah, I can pretty much guarantee that will never happen. Only "contact" sports I have are when I accidentally run into a wall, which seems to happen way too often. LOL
So, I will be doing daily blood work to check the hemoglobin and platelet levels. Any drop and I am being admitted again.
Still can't go back to work yet. Hopefully I can soon though!
Happy Sunday! Praise the Lord for this day and what he is doing to improve my health!!!
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