Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Goals for October 2014

picture above found on google image search

Sitting at home trying to recover has gotten me thinking about things I would like to do and I've been making a ton of lists.

So I would like to put my goals out there and hope that it is the push I need to do these things.

So here we go.

My goals for this October are:

get healthy enough to return to work.
Let's face it, I can't stay home long or the house will be remodeled and we will go broke from me shopping.

Drink more water and/or G2. Would like to drink 80-100 ounces of water and/or G2 per day. hey, I need the electrolytes in G2.

Take lunch to work 4 days per week.

make a Fall/Halloween wreath for our front door.

Decorate our front rooms (living room/fireplace/dining room) for Fall.

Read TEN books for pleasure. Just mindless reading. It soothes my soul.

Read TWO books on health/wellness.

Make Fall breads and desserts. I think I will start this one off tomorrow with some pumpkin bread with cream cheese frosting. My local family and friends should prepare for this, we can't eat them all.

Cook more meals during the week. Try new recipes.
Chicken with goat cheese vinaigrette, orzo, and green beans.

Shop around for a sectional sofa for our living room.

Buy bookshelves and organize hardcopy books.

Carve a pumpkin.

Go to a pumpkin patch.

Clean out the garage

Deep clean the following:
master bedroom
master bathroom
guest bedroom
guest bathroom
living room
dining room

Clean and re-organize pantry/laundry room

Start Christmas shopping!!!!!

*that's all I have for now, If I think of more, I will add them in*

What are your goals for October???

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