Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

Happy Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has safe travels and gets really full tummies with family and friends. Go UT!

Today I am thankful for:

My family, that understands me.
My friends, that make me laugh.
Food to cook some yumminess.
a roof over my head.
car to drive.
people to love.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day before Thanksgiving.

The holidays will be hard this year. At the beginning of this year, I would have never guessed that this year would end without my Grandpa. So today I would like to give my thanks for him.

I am thankful that I was able to spend 31 years with Grandpa.
I am thankful that he moved back to TX in May.
I am thankful that he and I were able to form a bond again.
I am thankful for the time we spent together while he was in chemo.
I am thankful that I was one of his rocks during that time.
I am thankful that I got to spend time with him at home just days before his stroke.
I am thankful that I saw God in his life with a singing of "Amazing Grace".
I am thankful that I was present to see him passing into God's arms.

I am thankful for my Grandpa.

I miss you everyday Grandpa. RIP.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

todays thanks

Today I am thankful for:
~Good times with friends last night
~my health
~my Faith

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday's thanks

I am thankful for:

~The great feeling I got from helping at the church all day yesterday.
~My mom listening to me vent and taking it as just that.
~Nicole for helping me see some light on things on Friday night.
~Having some really good co-workers.
~Great bosses.
~My health
~My family
~My friends

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sundays Thanks

I can't believe that Thanksgiving is only 4 days away! Where has this year gone?

Today I am thankful for:

~The Church for letting me help with the Thanksgiving baskets. It's been a tiring day, but I got to talk to lots of great people and I feel like I made a slight difference.
~My mom for letting me gripe to her and knowing that I am just venting and letting things go, and for her not judging me.
~My great girl friends for knowing just how to make me laugh.
~My dad for calling me several times a week just to let me know he cares even though he is 12-13 hours away.
~Running into old great family friends at Church.
~Knowing that I get to go see Aaron in a few weeks. (Finally meet Shannon and the kids)
~All the luxuries that I have in my life that many in this world don't.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Saturdays Thanks

Today I am thankful for:

great friends and even better family.
that Nicki C is physically ok after her accident.
for the Dallas Stars.
for a chance to help at the church tomorrow.
for food in my pantry, gas in my car, roof over my head.

Friday, November 20, 2009

TGIF Thanks

Today I am thankful for:
Having dinner and spending time with my family last night.
Having a job.
Having a roof over my head.
Having a new school pic of Declin on my desk.
Food in my tummy.
An understanding boyfriend.
Funny bosses.
Being healthy.
Inspiring blogs.
Great friends.
Wonderful family.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I just read this on a friend's blog and it hit me to the core.....

On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is shifting sand...

Thursdays Thanks

I am thankful for my friends that make me laugh until I cry, like last night.
Whataburger taquitos.
Waking up healthy and with so many luxuries that many other people in this world don’t have.
For a mom that I talked to for over an hour last night about anything and everything.
For a mom that wants to make me my favorite soup tonight and hang out.
For my family…..most of them anyway ;).

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Baby Jonah

Please see that I have added a new prayer button/pic to the right side of my page. Baby Jonah and his family are in need of some major prayers right now.

It breaks my heart to see babies hurting.

Wednesdays Thanks

Today I am thankful for:

a decent nights sleep.
food in my pantry.
roof over my head.
air to breathe.
people to lean on.
car to drive.
job that I don't mind.
DVR (lol).
The Sarah Palin book being shipped yesterday because I pre-ordered it over a month ago.
Texas Roadhouse.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Today I am thankful for:
Big Red.
A good morning so far.
A Dallas detective doing her job.
My health.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I missed posting over the weekend.....

I totally forgot to post on Saturday and Sunday. Eek!

Today I am thankful for:

a roof over my head.
wonderful job.
loving family.
my parents flight landing safely last night, even though there was a medical emergency and the flight was met at the gate by paramedics.
all the luxuries in my life.
the Church I have been attending, that completely fills my heart.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Today I am thankful for:
feeling a little bit better.
The eye appt I have today.
Having a job to come back to.
My friends, family, and boyfriend.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Today I am thankful for......

Today I am thankful for....

the Dallas Police Dept being so helpful and calling me back so quickly.
the wonderful boyfriend that I have and for him trying so hard.
my family and friends.
That Baby Stellan is recovering and SVT free.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What are you thankful for?

With so much negativity around the world lately, I have decided that I would like to start each morning with listing what I am thankful for. I am going to try my hardest to do this each morning.......

Today, I am extremely thankful to the church we have been attending for opening their arms to us.
I am also thankful that for the family and friends that are in my life.
I am thankful to have a job when so many don’t.
And I am thankful for my health.

What are you thankful for?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Putting yourself out there….

Do you ever get to a point in life where you feel like no matter what, it hurts to put yourself out there?

Lately, I have felt the hurt with love, friends, family, etc. I am to a point where I don’t want to trust anyone or put my faith in anyone.

I have learned a lot in 2009 about people. People that aren’t supposed to hurt you (ie: your family) are the ones that can break your heart the most at times. People who are friends that you would think never would betray you, do. Putting your heart out there seems to never be safe anymore.

I am almost afraid to get to close to anyone now. For fear of losing them or being betrayed by them. I have VERY FEW people in my life that I trust…..and even then, I am not sure I trust them 100%.

Why is that?